Hi, Guys-

Like many of you, I’m a huge fan of YELLOWSTONE and its spinoffs 1883 and 1923. Having just begun to watch 1923, I’ve come to the conclusion that creator/writer Taylor Sheridan just might be a fan of JON SABLE, FREELANCE. Episode 1 of 1923 begins with a scene in Africa where Spencer Dutton faces a charging lion in a scene straight out of JSF issue 3. Right down to the broken tooth on the lion.

I’m not saying it was stolen but–given that Sheridan was born in 1969–it’s entirely possible he read SABLE as a kid and was inspired by the scene to the extent that it found its way through his subconscious to the script of what just may be my all-time favorite TV series.

At least that’s the way I’m telling it.


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